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AL Ain Distribution and The Conservation Methods at the Military Higher School

February, 5 2018 Views: 4127
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The Military Higher School in collaboration with Al Ain Distribution Company , an ADWEA affiliate company organized awareness lecture titled “ Water & Electricity Conservation Methods” almost around 170 of the students aged from15-16 attended the lecture.

Eng. Abdu El Aziz, from Electricity Directorate simply explained the water and electricity generation and desalination process and the high value that the country pays to generate and desalinate  water and electricity .He has also  stressed on the significant importance of spreading the water and electricity preservation culture and its benefits to the society through following  a number of guidelines and procedures that promote and enhance the water and electricity systems in our country, and preserving our environment due to the  negative impacts resulting from the operations.

The lecturer explained a number of methods and ways to reduce the consumption of energy and water such as closing the water tab properly , not to leave that tab open for long times , don’t use water hoses in cleaning and washing of cars , switching off all the electrical appliances when leaving the place in addition to using of the new and state-of- the art technologies that conserve water and electricity and the environmental friendliness tools such as solar heaters , smart sensors which automatically regulate and control lighting.

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