List of frequently asked questions about Recycled Water

The purpose of the recycled water project is to reduce the reliance on potable water and ground water, and protect the precious natural resources of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Recycled water in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi is treated wastewater, and is treated to the highest regulated standards to protect public health and the environment.
It is intended for agricultural consumption. Further information can be found on the ADAFSA website. Click here for the Arabic or herefor the English

Recycled water across the emirate is regulated by the Abu Dhabi Department of Energy, under the Regulation for Recycled Water & Biosolids. The regulation itself was developed with the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘2012 Guidelines for Water Reuse’ and the World Health Organization’s ‘Water and Sanitation Safety Plan Manuals’ as primary reference. If you would like more information on regulatory matters, please contact the Department of Energy here

No, recycled water should not have any odor and looks the same as tap water.

In most instances, any type of agriculture can be irrigated with recycled water. However, for the avoidance of doubt, please contact ADAFSA for related queries, or for an agricultural or planting consultation: inquiries@ADAFSA.GOV.AE

The same amount of water is needed for irrigation, regardless of whether recycled water or potable water is being used.

No, the pipes distributing recycled water are separate from those that distribute drinking water.

Production of recycled water is limited, and therefore new connections are subject to capacity. This is monitored on an ongoing basis, and applications are processed accordingly, meaning we cannot guarantee availability.
If you would like to apply for connection to our recycled water service, we recommend you first engage with an approved contractor. Applications are technical in nature and should only be completed by individuals with a high level of expertise. You can find our list of approved contractors here
To submit your application, please email with a formal request containing the following:

  • Request letter for the connection from the property / business owner
  • Detailed drawing of the new chamber with the tie in connection showing the reinforcements, materials of the proposed fittings, ladder, etc. (TAQA Distribution Standard drawing can be used as a reference)
  • Detailed drawing for a new flowmeter chamber
  • Total daily demand calculation for irrigation (download here)
  • Water site layout showing location and size of irrigation storage tank with capacity of 1-2 days’ supply as per irrigation demand
  • ADM affection plan or updated site plan showing all selected connection points. If affection plan or site plan is not available, an alternative document showing the ownership and location attested by the concerned authority must be provided
  • Water Planning Data (download here)
  • Site Responsibility Schedule (download here)
TAQA Distribution will then review the application and make an assessment based on the availability of supply, alongside further criteria such as proximity to network.
The processing time for each application varies on a case-by-case basis, but we are committed to responding to our customers regarding their application, regardless of whether it has been successful.

If there are any permanent changes to the availability of our recycled water service or major updates to the network, they will be announced via our social channels. Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook or X to ensure you don’t miss out on future developments.

Yes, charges will apply and will vary on a case-by-case basis. If successful, our team will discuss the specific charges associated with your application before proceeding.

A tariff rate of 1.7 AED/m3 will apply for recycled water, billed monthly as part of your standard utilities bill. Recycled water will show on the bill of all connected customers from 1 Jan 2023. When the customer starts paying for the service depends on their category:

  • Commercial customers will have their recycled water subsidized until 31 Dec 2023. They will not be charged for the service and will receive indicative bills only until then.
  • All other customer types will have the tariff rates applied from 1 Jan 2023 and be charged accordingly.

The application of the tariff and any related subsidies is based on Government Resolution No (185) of 2021. Please contact the Department of Energy here for clarifications relating to this topic

There will be a separate meter to measure the consumption of recycled water, which will be installed by TAQA Distribution as part of the connection process.

For any non-emergency issues relating to recycled water, please call us at 800 2332. In case of an emergency, please call 992 immediately

Please refer to your supply agreement for a full list of rights and responsibilities. To obtain a copy of your supply agreement, please call us at 800 2332

  • Use recycled water for the above specified purposes only
  • Provide workers with appropriate clothing, gloves and shoes
  • Keep recycled water tanks closed
  • Clean your recycled water tank at least once a year

Full instructions can be found on the ADAFSA website.
Click here for the Arabic or here for the English

Alternatively, please contact the AD Gov call center on 800555.

Re-sale of recycled water is strictly prohibited under the terms of its distribution license issued by the regulator, the Abu Dhabi Department of Energy.

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