EV Charging FAQ:
1. What if I don’t register and install a sub-meter in my home charger?
• Any charger owner who does not register will be liable for penalties .
2. Do I have to declare how many EVs I have?
• Yes. All EV chargers at your residence must be declared.
3. I have an EV but I don’t have a charger in my villa residence. Do I need to purchase an EV charger?
• No. However, charging at unmetered charging points or via a domestic socket is not in compliance with regulations. Depending on government directives, a fine might be applied to those who are non-compliant.
4. I live in an apartment building. Do I need to have an EV charger in my apartment building?
• No.
5. How am I billed for my EV charger meter?
• It will be part of your monthly consumption bill with TAQA Distribution for the account holder.
6. Can I create a separate account from my relative that I live with for my EV metered charging?
• No. If you don’t have an account and live with someone (such as a relative), the account holder is responsible for paying the EV charging Tariff.
7. I have an EV and live with a relative who is the account holder, but will not allow me to install an EV charger. Can I force him to install an EV charger?
• No. However, charging at unmetered charging points or via a domestic socket is not in compliance with regulations. Depending on government directives, a fine might be applied to the account holders who are non-compliant.
8. My friend has a metered EV charger. Can I use his EV charger for my EV?
• Yes. However, your friend is responsible for paying the EV charging tariff.
9. I’m currently being charged a flat fee because I have an unmetered EV charger. Can I use my friend’s metered EV charger?
• Yes. However, your friend is responsible for paying the EV charging tariff. Since your home EV charger is not yet metered, the flat fee still applies to you until the meter is installed.
10. Who will bear the installation cost?
• As an incentive, TAQA Distribution will bear the cost of installing the EV charging meter. This offer lasts until the end of 2021 if the customer registers and requests meter installation before end of year 2021. After that the customer will bear the cost of installation. This applies to meters for both residential and non-residential chargers.
11. How much would it cost to install a meter after 31 December 2021?
• The cost may vary depending on the site conditions.
12. How do I register and install a meter?
• For more information, please visit www.addc.ae
13. I have an EV registered outside AD Emirate. Do I have to register my EV charger?
• Yes. You must register your EV charger with TAQA Distribution regardless of where your EV was registered if residing in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
14. Can I hire my own contractors to install sub-meters for EV charger ?
• TAQA Distribution are the only ones allowed to install the meter.
15. I just bought a new EV car. What do I have to do?
• If you are residing in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and have an EV charger, you must register your EV Charger with TAQA Distribution.
16. Who does the flat fee apply to?
• Flat fee is applicable to all EV charger owners until a meter is installed.
17. How is the flat fee calculated?
• The flat fee (which is AED 92 per month for all customer segments) is projected based on an average monthly consumption of a typical EV charger.
18. When will the flat fee be effective?
• The flat fee will be effective on the same date as EV charging tariff effective date which is 26th August 2021.
19. If I don’t register my EV charger after the announcement, and have meter installed after two months, do I have to pay flat fee?
• Yes. You will pay for the flat fee calculated starting from the flat fee effective date which is 26th August 2021 until the date your meter is installed.
20. Are you going to apply the Tariff on me even if I don’t have a charger?
• If you do not own an EV charger then the tariff does not apply to you.
21. I want to start meter installation process. What is the process?
• Please complete the registration of your EV Supply Equipment (charger) on TAQA Distribution website and the Contact Center will call you to schedule a site survey for meter installation.
22. Can I install 2 meters in 2 premises for the same car and same charger?
• The same car can be charged in 2 premises. However, the charger in each premise must be registered so that a meter can be installed.
23. Are there any repercussions if the EV charger registration doesn’t take place (e.g. Fines) ?
• All EV charger owners must register their chargers to avoid non-compliance and to take advantage of the EV meter incentive (free EV meter until the end of 2021).
24. What about entities who already have a meter linked to a charger in place (e.g. Malls) ?
• All EV charger owners including commercial entities must register their EV chargers so that Distribution companies can then conduct an inspection and advise how many EV meters may be required.
25. What if a customer uses the wall socket to charge their EV cars?
• The most efficient way to charge an EV car is using a fast or superfast charger installed professionally and safely at your home. Temporary EV chargers plugged in to the wall sockets of homes is considered unsafe and, in addition, is un-metered to track consumption against the EV charging tariff, and as such, non-compliant with DoE’s regulations.
26. Are the SMS messages sent intended for EV cars owners and EV charger?
• Yes, the SMS were sent to all of TAQA Distribution customers so that the ones who own EV chargers can register and have a meter installed.
27. What is the wisdom of putting a meter and its tariff, especially for electric cars in homes and others, and we basically are paying an electricity bill that includes consumption of charging the car?
• Based on the DoE’s decision regarding EV charging, the 30 fils tariff is a unified tariff which reflects the cost of providing electricity to the EV charging equipment. It ensures EV market’s economic sustainability, fair competition of different transport energy sources and enables investment in EV infrastructure. Using a separate meter for EV charging allows EV and non-EV loads to be separated which is important to monitor EV charging demand and consumption behaviors and is also important to inform possible future EV initiatives that are customer-focused.
28. What if, in the first place, I did not install a home charger and relied only on chargers in stations and parking lots?
• If you don’t currently own a charger but charge your EV at public locations, you are not required to register.
29. If I have two electric cars at home, for myself and my son, are we obligated to install two meters?
• Multiple EVs can use one charger and only one meter is required per charger.
30. These cars come with a portable charger in the car, which is also a very slow charger and is installed in the normal socket. How will the situation be if a visitor comes to my house and I do not have a home charger and he uses the portable charger that is installed in the normal electrical socket?
• The most efficient way to charge an EV car is using a fast or superfast charger installed professionally and safely at your home. Temporary EV chargers plugged in to the wall sockets of homes is considered unsafe and un-metered to track consumption against the EV charging tariff, and as such, non-compliant with DoE’s regulations.
31. How was tariff decided compared with the current tariffs class ? and what government support is provided for this initiative ?
• Abu Dhabi currently applies different electricity tariffs for different customer categories based on a Below / Over a calculated average consumption. Based on the DoE’s decision regarding EV charging, The 30 fils EV charging tariff reflects the cost of delivering power to an EV charging equipment and covers system and administration needs as well – It is aligned with other electricity tariffs in Abu Dhabi emirate and should not be compared to the few customer categories such as UAE nationals, agriculture and social card holders that receive significant Government subsidies as exceptions.
32. What are the benefits in applying the new tariff especially for UAE National tariff customers ?
• Subsidies are paid by the government to special categories as exceptions not as a rule. According to DoE, the introduction of a cost reflective tariff for charging EVs is guarantee of organic and sustainable uptake of EVs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and will support a smooth and competitive electrification of ground transport.
33. What is the procedure if the account is an inheritance account ?
• If an EV charger is connected to an inheritance account then the individual(s) (i.e. inheritees) responsible or authorized for the account (and payment) are responsible to register the EV charger for meter installation.
34. What is the apparatus that the distribution companies will use to validate if the customer has an in-place an electric charger or not?
• Customers have been asked to register with TAQA Distribution by 31 December to take advantage of the EV meter incentive. Customers who fail to register their electric chargers are considered non-compliant with DoE’s regulations and might be subject to fines and penalties.
35. If I have in-place a portable solar generator that I use as an EV charger, am I obliged to register ?
• Customer should contact the relevant distribution company so that an assessment and safety inspection can be made.
36. If I’m paying a flat fee, until the meter is installed, am I being double charged as the actual power consumption will also be included to my bill?
• The AED 92 flat monthly fee is based on projected average consumption during the transition period taking into account the current tariffs. Once the sub-meter is installed for your charger, your actual consumption will be calculated at the tariff of 30 fils per kilowatt hour. Furthermore, the monthly flat fee will be pro-rated if your sub-meter has been installed before your next billing cycle to avoid double billing.