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Live line maintenance in Al Ain

March, 28 2019 Views: 4915
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In order to handle the electricity emergency reports accurately and professionally depending on latest systems, electricity emergency department of AADC has implemented a series of new systems that help in returning the electrical power within a short time. Now, the department works depending on “maintenance under voltage 33/11 KV”, integrated vehicles supplied with the necessary tools and equipment to solve electrical problems and handle the electricity failures without cutting the power.


Moreover, AADC managing director, Abdulla Al Sheryani stated that the company is always supporting and adopting the technical projects and ideas that lead to improve customer services and company performance. As a result, AADC implemented under voltage maintenance to avoid loss of supply during the periodic maintenance, to carry the highest occupational safety standards, as well as improve the performance indicators of the main grids, continuous of services and achieve the preventive maintenance under voltage.   

Therefore, Eng. Bader Al Thehli, AADC Executive Operation Manager, stressed that the company has recently launched a series of technical and technology equipment to upgrade customer services related to energy supply in general and to improving emergency services especially electrical failures maintenance. In addition, he added that this step comes in compliance with and to meet AADC Mission and vision which aimed at being amongst the top quartile performers worldwide water and electricity utility companies by 2020 and to distribute water and electricity in a reliable, secure, safe, environmentally responsible & cost-effective manner.

Also, He pointed that in order to implement live line maintenance AADC follows all the methods and procedures adopted internationally starting with issuance of work permit and check lists of equipment and arrangements, followed by meetings to explain nature of work and risks. At the end, He said its worth to be noted that this work is given only for trained personnel who granted work authorization from the concerned parties of live maintenance.   

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