| 19 November 2015 |
17984 | Views
Congratulations to the AADC to win the Award for Excellence in Government in the fourth session...
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| 21 October 2015 |
19314 | Views
H.E. Dr. Meitha El Shamsi, Minister of State, paid a visit to the stand of Al Ain Distribution company under Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity booth during ADWEA participation in the local exhibition for society and humanitarian awareness (TAWEYA) 2015.
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| 20 July 2015 |
8178 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Company organized a coffee social meeting on the occasion of Eid –al-Fiter at the hall of the company main building , the meeting was attended by all the company directors, managers , heads of section and the employees who exchanging the Eid wishes , congratulations and greetings . The Coffee Gathering is being organized to reflect the importance of such social meetings in strengthening and enhancing ties among the company employees away from the daily routine work in a comfortable work environment The company is always keen on organizing internal events and activities to its employees so as to upgrade work effectiveness, efficiency increasing work productivity and improving social services in a comfortable and positive environment.
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| 7 July 2015 |
7823 | Views
AL Ain Distribution Company organized cultural and awareness workshop for water conservation titled “Water Value “ for the students at the summer generation camp in Mohammed Bin Khalid Association for the future generation with the aim to spread and promote the culture of conservation and increasing the importance of rational use and keeping of water . In line with the company strategy that aiming to cover all the community sectors and to conduct and organize several preservation campaigns for the coming generations so as to deliver its awareness messages to all the community individuals that urge people to maintain and keep the energy and its sources . The company is always keen on implementing and organizing such campaigns that play an important and vital role in teaching and educating the individuals the importance of maintain our natural resources and the positive messages that reach to the community people in respect with the rational use of energy. The company is keen on conducting the conservation campaigns and workshops on a continuous manner all the year around to correct the wrong daily habits in using water and electricity and creating a good preservation culture among the community people to create an educated and well aware generation who are appreciating the importance saving and sustaining the environment. The company Cartoon Characters “SALAMA, NOOR and QATTORA that represent the company in exhibitions and the workshops and campaigns had received the students who were happy to see such funny characters that represents the Water , Power and safety business to increase the students awareness in an amusing manner . At the end of the workshop students had received a conservation stories, and brochures related to the water , electricity and safety that urge and encourage them to preserve our natural resources and following the correct daily practices when using water and electricity.
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| 25 June 2015 |
7240 | Views
AlAin Distribution Company honored and rewarded the sons of employees who have participated in the “ AL Hafez AL Sagheer competition that was organized for the sons of employees’ families in cooperation with the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowment. Ten competitors in each category were honored whereas all the participants were divided into three categories according to the age , the first category included ages from 4-6 years , the second category was from 7-12 years and the third category from13-17 years . The Quran competition included memorization of different chapters ( Ajzaa) of the holy Quran according the age of the contestant and in according to the soothing voice and impeccable and fluent recitation . The panel of adjudicators also, have been honored for their great work and efforts in assessing the performance of the contenders . The contest comes under a series of cultural events that are being organized by the company to secure a positive and comfortable work environment and deepen the concept of team work and one family employees in Al Ain Distribution in addition to urge and encourage the youngsters to compete in memorizing the holy Quran. The stipulated criteria and regulations
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| 15 June 2015 |
6257 | Views
In line with the midday work break law that preventing work at noon during summer , Al Ain Distribution Company in cooperation with the Health , Safety, Environment and Quality started organizing an internal campaign to make their employees aware of the rules , regulations and principles to be followed for health and safe summer in all the company sites and the outside locations .. The company had organized awareness campaign in respect with the heat stress to enlighten the employees who are working at the outside locations and to edify them regarding the banning of work at noon times during the summer with effect from 15th June till 15th September from 12,30 to 3:00pm in all the company sites which are exposed to the sun and the necessary precautions that they should take to maintain teir safety and health. Also the HSE&Q Department had circulated the Ministry of Labor law to all the company locations and employees via SMS messages , E-mail and instructions brochures had beed dispatched to explain the hazards resulted in exposing to the direct sun light , the heat stress problems and how to carry out the first aid process when finding employees who suffer from heat stress.
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| 15 June 2015 |
6284 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Company had received a delegation from the holy city secretariat in Saudia Arabia, the delegation included a number of directors and departmental managers who was chaired by Eng. Fayez Kensara , town planning general manager and Eng. Ebraheem Bin Hamed AL Sayegh the quality and corporate excellence manger . the delegation was welcomed and received by H.E. Mohammed Salem Bin Omair Al Shamsi, the Company Managing Director and Eng. Bader Nasser Al Thehly , Executive Operation Director and a number of the Company Directors and Managers , the aim of the visiting delegation is to exchange knowledge and experience and to review the best practices used in Al Ain Distribution in the field of quality and corporate excellence . The visiting delegation was briefed on the company strategy , the organization chart , the company directorates and departments responsibilities and tasks and the corporate excellence mechanisms that are being used in the company and its impacts on the company performance , the delegation had also listened to an explanation about the leaders’ significant roles in pushing the excellence march in the company. In the end of the visit, the delegation had a tour in the company DMS building to see the best and most advanced systems which are being used in the company operations in addition to the complaint handling process and its tracking system at the Call Center
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| 13 May 2015 |
6559 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Organized a preservation lecture under the campaign “save Today for brighter tomorrow “ at Al Safwa private school in the presence of about 250 students .
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| 8 May 2015 |
6425 | Views
Al Ain Distribution has launched its new service under the theme “we derive to you to serve you” and a number of the smart applications for electronic appliances in line with its strategy that aiming to set for an effective electronic infrastructure that boost the electronic
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| 7 May 2015 |
6560 | Views
H.E. Sheikh Hazza Bin Tahnoon, under-secretary of the court of the ruler’s representative Diwan in the Eastern Region , paid a visit to the Echo smart
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| 7 May 2015 |
6307 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Company had organized the Echo-Smart Home Show in its first edition during the period from 7th My2015
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| 20 April 2015 |
6636 | Views
Asset Directorate Department at Al Ain Distribution Company organized a coordination meeting with the Town planning & Survey Sector at Al Ain Municipality
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| 15 April 2015 |
6172 | Views
Al Ain Distribution had participated in the first forum activities for the people with special needs that was organized by Al Ain Municipality in collaboration with Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian Care & Special Needs with the participation of more than 22 governmental and semi-governmental entities on the UAE university theater.
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| 25 March 2015 |
7416 | Views
Al Ain Municipality honored Al Ain Distribution Company during the ceremony that was organized by the municipality at Al Ain Municipality Theater to honor the participants in the 43rd National Day Activities at Hzaa Bin Zayed Stadium
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| 23 March 2015 |
6268 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Company had organized awareness and cultural workshop regarding how to conserve energy to the staff of Abu Dhabi
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| 24 February 2015 |
7412 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Company had organized a cultural and awareness workshop in respect with power conservation and electricity hazards at Al Ain Center for care and rehabilitation for children with special needs
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| 22 March 2015 |
6248 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Company , an affiliate of Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority ,had organized several activities on the occasion of the World Water Day that mark on 22nd March
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| 25 February 2015 |
7370 | Views
HSE Department organized several training courses to the staff of Finance Department and the staff of Business Planning and Performance Department at the company main building ,
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| 5 March 2015 |
6125 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Company had participated in the water conservation workshop at Sheikh Khalifa Power Campus that was organized by GASCO
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| 1 February 2015 |
7170 | Views
Al Ain Distribution Company shall participate in the activities of the Abu Dhabi Career Fair that will be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center
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| 19 January 2015 |
6954 | Views
AlAin Distribution Company had participated in the World Water Summit2015 Activities that was organized during the period from 19-22January2015 in collaboration with Abu Dhabi Distribution Company under ADWEA Stand.
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