New Power Connection Application

Service name:

New Power Connection Application

Service description: Connection of electricity for new premise
Process description:
  • Submission of required documents for connection of electricity service.
  • Obtaining an appointment for inspection. 
  • Completion of site inspection & approval from concerned parties.
  • Approval of electricity schemes/drawings.
  • Notifying client of required fees.
  • Connect Electricity.
FeeAmount Dhspayable for
Cost verified based on load, cable size & length after completion of all required procedures unspecified Al-Ain Distribution Company
Service access: Service Inquiry:
AADC Contact Center (8009008) 24 Hours / 7 days
Applying for Service:
Technical counter , Al Saad Branch, Al Hayar Branch and Al Wagan Branch
Working hours: Technical counter; external branches during official working hours (7AM – 3 PM) from Sunday to Thursday.
Service availability : Individuals; Corporate
Service Duration : 45 Days

Required documents:

Letter From Al-Ain Municipality            
Site Plan            
Copy Of Owner's ID            
Letter From Company            
Copy Of Trade License            
Letter From Islamic Affairs Authority            
Copy Of Construction Permission            
Copy Of Authorized Signatures            


Electrical Installation Certificate

Electrical Installation Test Report

Inspection Report

Inspection Required Documents

Installation Testing Report