AADC culture of institutional
AADC senior management is keen to implant a culture of institutional excellence and turn it into a constant approach
and style for work, and not only a limited objective it preaches and pursues. Such keenness is manifested in the
recent initiatives adopted by the company, which worked towards development and improvement of the means of
production in all fields. This will have a heavy positive reflection on the company customers of all segments, who
are considered as the primary strategic partner of the company. Added to this are the tangible positive results that
are manifested among the company employees. For, AADC senior management believes that its employees are the
primary motive and supporter of the march towards excellence, development and improvement.
Indeed, entrenchment of the culture and methodology of institutional excellence in AADC springs from international
bases and practices that the best institutional authorities, either on the state or on world levels, has followed. This
is manifested through acknowledgement of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) standards as an
a approach and a methodology for evaluation of work and its results in the company, knowing that the standards
of such international model address the main joints in any institutional authority, and it includes nine standards, five
of which cover the institution’s activity, and are called the standards of the “enablers,” while the other four cover
the institution’s achievements, and are called the standards of “results”. So, the following form illustrates the EFQM
model of institutional excellence:
The recent orientations approvedand initiatives adoptedby the company in this fieldhada considerable impact in the company’s
achievement of prominent and tangible results, as a natural outcome of exerted efforts and of developments and improvements
brought about at the level of work environment in the company. On top of these results on the local level was the company’s
winning of the Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award – Gold Category – in 2013. On the international world, however, the company
earned the EFQM Committed to Excellence Award. And to earn such international recognition, the company proposed three
development projects based on the results of self-assessment and following the review of results of performance indicators
according to the RADAR methodology, and through activation of empowerment and delegation methodology.
The enhancement projects proposed by the company were as follows:
A project on redesign of suggestions system (ideas)
A project on consultancy service
A project on evaluation and improvement of AADC strategy development steps, and applying the company strategy to
all departments, administrations and sections, and hence linking it to internal works plans in departments.
Three team-works were formed to work on these enhancement projects and to pursue positive results. So, an EFQM assigned
audit visited the company, worked on assessing the teams and projects, conducted interviews and reviewed the output of these
projects, and eventually presented feedback reports and declared the result, of awarding AADC the “Committed to Excellence”
* This page has been prepared in collaboration with the Department of Planning and Business
Performance Al Ain Company for distribution
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